What more can you say?
What a game! What a day! I envy all of you who went to Highbury - I want my free t-shirt!
We did things the hard day today - much like we have done all season. Wigan were certainly not going to roll over and let the celebrations begin. They fought and made a real game of it. All credit to them: they've been a breath of fresh air this year into what had been becoming an increasingly stale premiership. But we fought, and we won, and in the end, as TH said, the league table doesn't lie.
Today was a beautiful, and a more than fitting tribute to our great stadium. In some ways, finishing fourth is more fitting than winning the league. Just like the move to the Emirates stadium, finishing fourth is the start of something new. A new team of youngsters with fantastic potential has been blooded this year: hopefully, the only way is up from here.
It can't of been Tel's last game either. He chose his words carefully in the interview- never really directly saying anything about next year, or playing at the Emirates. But his intent seemed pretty clear in his celebrations. It was almost as if he was revelling in the fact he can now stay: we've proved to him, I hope, that we can match his ambitions. If today was his last game for the club - shudder - he coudn't, and we couldn't, have asked for anything more. His performance was extraordinary. He swaggered through the match, bringing deft touches, and sublime skill to his every intervention with play. I feel priviliged that he is an Arsenal player, and I truly hope he continues to be one.
It's been a tough season - but in the last game at Highbury, a vision of the, potential, future was glimpsed. The personnel we have at the club, when mixed with a few new buys, have the potential to be even greater than the invincibles.
So thanks to Dennis, and thanks to Highbury.
Now let's see where this club can go.
I reckon Henry will stay. When he was talking about 4th spot he said "WE arent there yet, WE still have to win the qualifying rounds". Plus, days like yesterday must make it hard for players to leave the club. Henry, Cole and even Sol to stay.
How many players do we need to buy, cant be a lot!
The Guardian thought it ominous that Henry, Pires and Ashley were still sitting together in the centre circle long after the others had gone. That Pires is going we more or less know. Ashley, I sense, would like to stay, but will probably be sold as Wenger isn't keen on his off-the-pitch antics - too bling, as Goonerboy said - and we have Clichy, Flam and Traore coming through. I love him and will be gutted to lose him, but if we can spend the money on a central defender, selling would make sense, I suppose. There was talk of a swap deal for Gallas a couple of weeks ago, which would be beneficial to everyone, but I can't see Chelsea doing business with us. So that leaves the revolting Real as Ash's most likely destination. Could it also be Henry's? I read somewhere that Barca are uncompromisingly committed to Nike, so the Reebok deal looks definitely odd. Hard to imagine he is considering Real, though, not given their reputation for racism and the ongoing upheavals and uncertainty over the manager etc. This gives me hope, but I notice Wenger seems increasingly pesimistic. As for Sol: time to replace him, irrespective of what he himself wants. God, I hope Senderos is going to be fit for Paris.
why are we constantly talking about henry. there is no doubt that he's a true great but that does not mean he can hold the club hostage. i am loyal to arsenal not henry. i be far more concerned if it was wenger leaving. now he would be unreplacable. in a few years time we could be taking of cesc or van persie or some gem that wenger unnearthed in the same breath as henry. arsenal will go on as a club wether he stay or goes. will we miss him? yes, but we won't collapse. As far as repaying us with goal remember for every goal he score he get a bonus, so we do not own him anything.
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